How one rural district is dealing with COVID-related connectivity and equality for fall.
For Todd Dugan, superintendent of Bunker Hill CUSD #8, a small, remote district in southern Illinois, issues surrounding back-to-school COVID-19 style are not abstract but all too real.
Some of the district’s biggest priorities include:
Rural struggles–and successes–as COVID hit Address learning loss that comes with inequity As school resumes, freedom of choice In this conversation with eSchool News, Todd tries to keep the glass half full as he looks to take advantage of these incredible disruptions to education.
Funding is always at the top of school leaders' minds--here's how to manage edtech investments, COVID relief funds, and other instructional programs In this...
School leaders must navigate challenges--here's how to address three persistent troubles and create efficient school systems In this episode of Innovations in Education, hosted...
2021 Takeaways—New Classroom Methods Learned During All This Madness 3 best practices to take with us to the ‘other side’ 4 predictions for computer...